The test and measurement industry aims to check how well devices and materials work and to measure performance criteria such as voltage, current, frequency, or other key parameters to verify whether the testee is functioning properly.

Electromagnetic interference (EMI) is one of these key parameters. Certain test and measurement equipment, such as EMI receivers or analyzers, check if a device is emitting electromagnetic energy that could disrupt the function of other devices or materials or if the device itself is vulnerable to EMI from external sources.

Compliance with regulatory standards for EMI is crucial for product safety, reliability, and certification, especially in industries such as telecommunication, consumer electronics, automotive, and medical technology.

RIGOL manufactures cost-efficient test and measurement solutions in over 80 countries to accelerate design and project processes and to improve product dependability.

Their EMI Measurement Application functions as a tool to help engineers test if their devices are emitting harmful electromagnetic energy during design and development processes. The EMI Measurement Application performs scans, and peak tests, and compares the results to standard limits. The tool also utilizes multiple detectors to identify and measure EMI across different frequency ranges.

This EMI measurement tool can be integrated into any RIGOL Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer; a device used to measure signals across a wide range of frequencies. Thanks to this application, engineers can detect and fix any problems beforehand, reducing costly setbacks.

The benefits and extended capabilities of spectrum analyzers include:

  1. Enhanced function: The RSA Spectrum Analyzers perform better and measure EMI more effectively.
  2. CISPR bandwidths and detectors: Built-in tools for using CISPR* standards to measure EMI across different frequencies.
  3. Automated scans: Scanning multiple frequency ranges to speed up testing processes.
  4. Limit lines and peak searches: The tool can automatically compare results to preset EMI limits and find the highest interference points.
  5. Multiple traces: You can see up to 3 different traces at the same time, using different detectors for more detailed analysis.
  6. Log Frequency Display: This shows frequency measurements in a logarithmic scale, which is useful for spotting EMI issues over a wide range.
  7. Live measurements with 3 detectors: It can measure EMI in real time using three different detectors, giving a more comprehensive view of the signal.
  8. Corrections for external equipment: It automatically accounts for the influence of antennas, cables, and other devices used during measurements, improving accuracy.
  9. Report Generation: You can quickly generate reports with test results, making it easier to document and share findings.

As IMCA, we are proud to represent RIGOL in the test and measurement industry. We are aware of the importance of device integrity and smooth development processes, so we provide the most suitable tools and devices for your specific needs.

For more information on EMI measurement and RIGOL product catalog:

*International Special Committee on Radio Interference: This committee, which is part of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), aims to set international standards for controlling EMI in electronic devices and systems.